Our contacts


Address: Moscow, st. Ugreshskaya house 2 page 147

Nearest metro stations: Dubrovka and Kozhukhovskaya

Nearest MCC station:Ugreshskaya

Sales department opening hours: from 10:00 to 19:00 Mon-Fri

Technical support operating hours: 24/7/365


Accommodation is possible any day from 09 to 20 hours upon prior notice. It is also possible to visit at night by individual agreement.

To visit on foot, you must first provide us with your passport details and have an identity document with you. 24-hour entrance on foot through checkpoint No. 1 at the address: Ugreshskaya st. 2с3.

For a visit by car, you must provide the car make and license plate number, entry through the checkpoint at the address: Ugreshskaya str. 2с1 (24 hours a day).