Rent of virtual VPS servers
Maximum 30 IP per tariff
Maximum 30 IP per tariff
Maximum 30 IP per tariff
Maximum 30 IP per tariff
Maximum 30 IP per tariff
Maximum 30 IP per tariff
Maximum 30 IP per tariff
Maximum 30 IP per tariff

VPS technology overview
- Virtual VPS server is more resilient because it is in the cloud and is served by many servers.
- Virtual VPS server is easier to backup, this process is automated.
- Rented VPS server is cheaper to service and maintain.
- If you wish, your server can be migrated between different hardware devices.
- Like physical server, you can change VPS server - add and edit parameters and characteristics based on the tasks set.
Building a cloud
All rented virtual VPS servers are created on the basis of bundles of various solutions for greater fault tolerance. The cloud is built in such a way that it can withstand a failure of up to 64% of all equipment, although its probability approaches zero.
Storage is built on hybrid SSD+HDD drives in RAID 10. There is a separate storage of SSD for demanding applications and operating systems. The storage system is built in such a way that virtualization performance increases by 25-30%.
Instruction for accessing the cloud in several steps (Microsoft Word format)
Our advantages
Fair price
Our regulations do not permit seducing potential customers with a low price, and in return, providing small crumbs of resources on old low performance servers. We initially say what is included in the price and do not impose additional services. All additional services upon your request are paid additionally, based on their price.
Tech. support
We do everything in the “Only employees work” mode. You can request for services or technical assistance by phone or in a personal account and all your wishes are fulfilled by our employees, no additional manipulations with the personal account. Our employees are in touch 24/7/365. These are live people, no delay times and listening to music while awaiting for reply.
We will always help to make your idea come true, even if it requires a lot of time and effort. You can always get a server with an OS within a few minutes. Operating systems such as Windows 2008 R2, Ubuntu 16.04, CentOS 7 are available. Especially for you, we can find and deploy the operating system you need. At any time, you can change the VDS/VPS configuration, change the number of network interfaces or the hard disk volume, add RAM, or increase the number of processor cores. We do not limit our customers in terms of resources. We will always help you in accessing your server.
We offer a VPS/VDS administration service
Unlike other cloud rental services, we can administer your servers upon your request. For details, see the Administration Services section.
Own Data Center
Our own data center allows reducing the price of cloud technologies, without compromising the quality, while identifying the source and eliminate it as quickly as possible in case of problems.
Physical server migration
If there are no problems, we will convert your physical server to VPS/VDS for free.
Easy server access
After your server is created, you access it using RDP, SSH or console access. We provide instructions, videos for access to your server. If necessary, a specialist will help you with this.
If the customer decided to deposit money in advance, but then decided to refuse the services, we will refund the money.
Test VPS
We provide a test VPS for reviewing and testing our services. Login and password will be sent upon request, you can find details of how to test and enter the console mode in the instructions. (The test period is valid for one day.)